How to Make the Most Delicious Gluten Free Bread at Home!

gluten free bread

What is Gluten?

Gluten is a naturally occurring element found in food grains that include barley, rye and wheat. This structure is made of two proteins, gliadin and glutenin and this structure is called Gluten. When you stretch the bread and it is elastic, this is because of gluten, it also helps the bread rise when you are baking it.

What is Gluten Free Food?

Gluten can be found in a lot of different kinds of foods like pasta, bread, cereals and desserts. Gluten free food however are different types of food that do not have any gluten in them or are made from ingredients that don’t have gluten in them. These include fresh fruits and vegetables which are naturally gluten free, meats, poultry, seafood, fresh dairy products, nuts and seed. If you are buying from supermarkets and you have gluten sensitivity, it’s very important to read the label. Now there are also gluten free options available in the supermarkets like gluten free cake and gluten free muffin.

corn flour bread

Is Rice Gluten Free?

Yes, absolutely, rice is gluten free naturally and it is a popular staple in many parts of the world. It can be safely eaten by people who have gluten sensitivity or celiac disease or if you are just following a gluten free diet plan. The best part about rice is that it can be a carbohydrate replacement for bread as a side dish because it goes well with many different types of foods including meats and vegetables.

What is Gluten Free Bread?

Since people who are sensitive to gluten cannot consume normal bread, bread can be made using gluten free ingredients for them. Instead of using traditional wheat flour, gluten free bread utilizes other flours and starches as the base, like rice flour, corn flour, almond flour, potato flour, tapioca flour, or a mixture of them.

You can make gluten free bread in an oven or you can also use a bread machine. Gluten free bread is also available in some super markets and grocery stores. Alternatively, you can also buy gluten free flour and make it yourself at home. According to how you make it, the taste and texture will differ from traditional bread.

How to Make Homemade Gluten Free Bread?

Gluten free bread doesn’t have to be dry or tasteless, it can be delicious when the right ingredients are used! This means that we use ingredients that can give us exactly that result!

gluten free bread

Some important things to note when making gluten free bread:

  • Since gluten free bread is made from different ingredients than normal bread, it has a different texture, flavor and consistency and since we don’t have gluten inside it, it’s not so elastic in structure.
  • If you use just plain gluten free buckwheat flour, the bread might have a crumbly texture and can be denser. This is why when we make this bread we will use different kinds of alternative flours, along with our gluten free flour and this gives us great flavor as well.
  • We will use 2.5 cups of gluten free buckwheat flour, 0.5 cups of rice flour and 1 cup of corn flour. The corn flour will give a sweeter taste to the bread if you are not keen on adding honey or sugar.
  • The important thing is to mix together the dry ingredients first and then add in the wet ingredients slowly. This gives the flour time to absorb the wet ingredients.
  • The water we are adding should be warm, not hot, and should be added slowly while mixing.
rice flour bread

Gluten Free Bread Recipe

I know how hard it is to abstain from bead for people who follow a gluten free diet, have celiac disease or gluten intolerance, but making gluten free bread is super easy and even a beginner can follow this recipe.

Trust me, if you have never baked before, you can still make this recipe. This bread also serves as one of the best vegan recipes because it is eggless!

You can also make gluten free garlic bread with this recipe!

Try this recipe for gluten free amazingly tasty bread at home!

gluten free bread

Gluten-Free Bread (Homemade)

This recipe for gluten free bread is not only easy to make but it’s so delicious that even people who eat gluten will want to try it!
Prep Time 40 minutes
Cook Time 55 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 35 minutes
Course Bread
Servings 1 Loaf
Calories 0.12 kcal


  • 2.5 cups gluten-free buckwheat flour
  • 0.5 cup rice flour
  • 1 cup corn flour
  • 10 grams instant dry yeast
  • 1.5 teaspoon salt
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon sugar/honey
  • 2 cups warm water about 110°F or 45°C
  • Optional: sesame seeds


  • Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C) and coat a bread loaf pan with olive oil or line it with baking paper.
  • In a large bowl, mix in the dry ingredients first, so in goes our gluten-free buckwheat flour, rice flour, corn flour, instant dry yeast, salt and sugar. Make sure to mix it well.
  • Now add in the wet ingredients, start with the olive oil and slowly add in the warm water as you mix the batter.
  • Stir until a smooth dough forms and don’t worry if the dough looks wet because this dough will be wet and sticky.
  • Pour your batter into the oiled pan and smooth the top of the mixture with a spatula. Sprinkle with sesame seeds.
  • Now, cover the pan with piece of cloth or kitchen towel and leave to rise in warm dark place for about 30 minutes or until it has risen to double its size.
  • Once the dough has risen, place the pan in the oven and bake it for 55 minutes to 1 hour. You can know when it’s done when the bread is golden brown on top.
  • You can cool the bread on a wire rack before slicing it!
  • Enjoy your homemade gluten free bread!
Keyword Gluten-Free, Healthy Recipes, Homemade Bread, Vegan and Vegetarian Foods

Frequently Asked Questions

Is sourdough bread gluten free?

No, sourdough bread is not gluten free because it is made from wheat flour which contains gluten naturally. However, sourdough is made with a different kind of fermentation process that breaks down a little of the gluten and can be easier to digest in some cases where people have gluten sensitivity. But it’s important to note that it still does contain gluten is therefore not suitable for people who have celiac disease or severe gluten allergies and gluten intolerance.

Is pita bread gluten free?

Pita bread is not gluten free because it is made of wheat flour which has gluten in it but there are now gluten free alternatives available in supermarkets that are gluten free. These breads are made with chickpea flour, tapioca flour etc. which are easy to work with when making pita dough.

Is potato bread gluten free?

Potato bread is a bread that is made from potatoes and wheat flour and does contain gluten so unfortunately, it’s not gluten free. However, you can make gluten free potato bread very easily by using an alternative flour with potato. Always check the label for gluten free if you are buying from any supermarkets.

Is corn bread gluten free?

Cornbread is gluten free if it is made traditionally which is with cornmeal which does not contain gluten. But, sometimes for additional rise and stretch, some recipes may include wheat flour. Make sure that when you make or purchase cornbread, it doesn’t have any gluten containing ingredients like wheat.

Is naan bread gluten free?

Naan bread is not gluten free because it is normally made with wheat flour which contains gluten and is not safe for people with gluten intolerance. However, there are gluten free versions of naan bread available and it can also be made at home with gluten free ingredients.

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